
Why does Ubuntu freeze while downloading big files?

mp flag

While doing some basic python programming, I was downloading genshin impact from lutris (minimised). Probably the genshin impact launcher was downloading 21.45GB of data.

Suddenly while changing directory in terminal I noticed that my display was not responding. I started moving my mouse but the cursor movement lagged and stopped. After many attempts to close the terminal (I thought was the causing problem) I forced my laptop to switch off by pressing power button.

I deleted the half downloaded files of genshin impact and tried again I did not open anything this time only genshin impact launcher (downloading 20.45GB files) litrus (before downloading stared it was running some code) and a small window of wine.

After an hour I checked on my system and it was frozen at the lock screen.

I was thinking it was the fault of my slow hard disk. I have 6 gb ram Ryzen 5 3500 u with redon vega 8 internal graphics card.

Any help and advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

heynnema avatar
ru flag
What version Ubuntu? Edit your question and show me `free -h` and `sysctl vm.swappiness` and `grep -i swap /etc/fstab`. Start comments to me with @heynnema or I'll miss them.

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