
LibreOffice-Calc How to display input bar results in a cell, *or* what is fraction-to-decimal formula?

ir flag

I want to enter a fraction in one cell and display its decimal equivalent in another cell. If I format a cell for fraction input, and enter a fraction such as ⅜ in that cell, I see the decimal equivalent (0.375) in the Input bar. How can I show that decimal equivalent in a cell, or what is the formula for converting a fraction to decimal, and displaying the result in a cell?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Converting a fraction to a decimal is, happily, easy division: 3 divided by 8 is 0.375. You can format the cells differently -- one to show a fraction, the other to show the same number as a decimal.
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In one cell (For eg: A1) you shall format it to display the fraction. In another cell(For eg: B1), you shall copy the content of A1 using the command


The content of B1 shall be tweaked to display decimals by formatting it to display 'numbers'.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Format to display fraction: `1 3/8` or `0 3/8`. The space between the whole number and the fraction is critical, else Calc will think you are inputting a date.

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