
force mutter to draw windows separately

ph flag

I'm currently using a tools (cssh) to open a lot of different xterm windows on my monitor at once. But some of them are drawn on top of each other, though there is free space to have them separate.

screenshot on second monitor (windows are undecorated using devilspie2)

How can I force mutter (GNOME shell?) to make some space between them, so they don't appear on top of each other?

hu flag

It looks like cssh has some options you can set for this purpose. You can add the following lines to $HOME/.clusterssh/config, which should fix the overlap:

# reserve space for the gnome-shell top bar
screen_reserve_top = <height of top bar>
# use all the space at the bottom
screen_reserve_bottom = 0

The windows likely overlap because cssh calculates the positions based on having the first row at the very top of the screen, but gnome-shell actually the first row of windows down so they don't overlap with the top bar.


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