
Cant access Ubuntu One on 20.04

br flag

Just installed 20.04 on my laptop. I can login and view my desktop but it refuses to let me access Ubuntu One. Can anyone help me please?

guiverc avatar
cn flag
What are you trying to use Ubuntu-ONE for? Do you have a launchpad account for it to work? I use Ubuntu-ONE to happily access this site (and numerous others), but do you know what Ubuntu-ONE is? (an SSO)
br flag
Im a new user to linux, and Ubuntu One seems like the easier choice for downloading apps and content for the system.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu One is a SSO - single sign in service. If I want to login to Stack Exchange, I use my google SSO; if I want to use use this service (ie. ask ubuntu) and I can use the google SSO & enter via Stack Exchange which I don't usually do, I use my Ubuntu SSO and access this site via Ubuntu (using my launchpad created account). I can comment here fine using it; access all services on Ask Ubuntu except 'chat' as that is run on Stack Exchange itself. Ubuntu-ONE is a mostly just an SSO (single-signin-service run in the cloud). Apps are not impacted by Ubuntu-ONE though it may be filing bugs.
guiverc avatar
cn flag will access your Ubuntu ONE account (as I'm signed in it goes to my persona details; name, username email etc). It's a cloud service.. See or
br flag
So why wont it let me in? I cant seem to verify my email either. Ive reset my password at least 3 times after reading on about a potential login bug.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Can you login to launchpad? If you can login to your launchpad account you shouldn't have any issues, don't forget it's not your PC's details that are used, but the logins created for Ubuntu via browser etc (launchpad

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