
Delete Flatpak VLC Icons

bt flag

enter image description hereafter trying Flatpak as app manager and installing VLC for trial, once deleted there are two icons of the same program on the ubuntu dashboard and I can't delete them. Would you please help me take them out? Where should I go to permanently cancel them?

Francesco Aloisio avatar
bt flag
This problem happens on ubuntu 18.04 lts with unity desktop ...
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Which exactly icons?
Francesco Aloisio avatar
bt flag
the same icons as in vlc
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Please add output of `snap list | grep -i vlc; flatpak list | grep -i vlc` and `find ~ -name '*vlc*.desktop' 2> /dev/null` to the question.
Francesco Aloisio avatar
bt flag
I understand little of what you said. Do I have to copy this path in full on the terminal? Thanks
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Please execute all commands from previous comment and then paste their output to the question body by [editing it](
Francesco Aloisio avatar
bt flag
Hi I copied the path you suggested on the terminal, but the two non-working icons of VLC are still there...
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Let us [continue this discussion in chat](
zw flag

To remove all possible installations of VLC - both FlatPak and Snap use commands below:

flatpak remove org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.makemkv org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.bdj org.videolan.VLC org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.fdkaac
snap remove vlc

If desktop-files remain, then search for them using commands below:

find ~ -name '*vlc*.desktop' 2> /dev/null
grep -riE "vlc|videolan" --include=*.desktop ~ 2> /dev/null

and manually remove found files. In your case - the exact command would be:

rm -v /home/francesco/.local/share/applications/.desktop /home/francesco/.local/share/applications/vlc.desktop
Francesco Aloisio avatar
bt flag
You are a great Norbert! :D

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