
xhost and Wayland (aka connect to a remote X server without ssh)

in flag

At home I have an headless PC running 21.04. From time to time I need to launch same app there, mainly personal stuff. To do that I connect via wifi with the laptop, 21.04 as well, I use to work. (I do not like to have those personal data installed there).

With Wayland remote desktop is a pain in the neck and I ended up with nothing.

I tried then to launch some app tunnelling X via ssh but most of them become unresponsive after very little time. The pop-up "force exit" option kills the ssh connection as well.

Now, I simply want to open a remote window on the local laptop. Since I'm in a secure, limited environment I tried to use X without ssh:

The procedure I followed:

  • On the remote machine:

export DISPLAY=mylaptop:0.0

  • On the local laptop
xhost + myheadlesspc

allow TCP connection for X

Any idea how to do the last step with Wayland???

/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf doesn't exist and creating one with the option disallowTCP=false dosen't work

Thanks in advance

pe flag

I want to start firefox and thunderbird as different users, I use

xhost +si:localuser:differentusername
su - differentusername -c "export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY;thunderbird"

works for me,
with 21.04 it didn't seem to by :0 by default

$ env |grep -i display


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