
Accidentally deleted Ubuntu bootloader

cn flag

I've been running dualboot of windows 10 and ubuntu 20.04 on my computer and recently decided to get rid of windows (i stopped playing LOL) and I accidentally deleted disk partition that was responsible for ubuntu bootloader (alongside partition for windows).
For now i recovered or rather reinstalled windows just to be able to launch computer.

I've also been looking for ways to recover ubuntu bootloader but I found nothing.

My disk partitioning looks like that:

Recovery 529 MB | EFI 100 MB | Windows 446 GiB | Ubuntu 32 Gib | Free space 1 GiB

Is there any way for me to access ubuntu partition or preferably boot into it?

galexite avatar
pk flag
Have you run [Boot-Repair]( from a live DVD/USB? It will automatically detect problems in your boot configuration, and provide a helpful report, or even fix it there and then.
oldfred avatar
cn flag
Not sure what Boot-Repair's auto fix will be. You may need the advanced mode to totally reinstall grub and latest kernel.
user10489 avatar
in flag
You probably just needed to recreate the EFI partition. Now that it is there, run boot repair.

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