
How to change desktop icon text background color in yaru-unity theme?

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Hi on my unity version of ubuntu 18.04 LTS I use the Yaru-Unity theme. However, the icon fonts appear black to me on the desktop. Is there any way to make them white like in the photo?enter image description here

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Did you install unity on Ubuntu 18.04?
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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Yes of course...
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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I'm interested in making the desktop icons fonts white as in the attached image.
br flag
is Yaru-unity theme preinstalled or have you downloaded and installed it?
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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I installed it by downloading it
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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is there a procedure to change the font color of the icons on the desktop?
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I would like to test it. It is possible. But I need to go through how you installed. I will try to install unity n the theme u mentioned.
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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in fact I created a hidden folder of themes and icons in the home. there I put Yaru-Unity theme
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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I'm interested in changing the font color of the desktop icons. just this. but only on this theme yaru unity theme.
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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Thank you for your suggestion. but it did not work...
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Ok then I shall try now by installing both. Will get back soon.
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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Thanks for your help
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Hi, I have installed unity. but not able to install/Download the Yaru unity theme. Can you guide me?
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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Certain. the theme is found here.
br flag Hi, I am not able to reproduce this. Point to note, I have tried it in Ubuntu 20.04 as I dont have 18.04 Installed.
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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Thanks for your attempt. But it also seems in your case that the characters of the folders are not as white as I would like them
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I think it's a bug with nautilus. I have tried with different themes but none changed the color you are looking for.
Francesco Aloisio avatar
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You can be sure. However I managed through this modification .nautilus-desktop.nautilus-canvas-item { color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px none; } to change it to white. On the other hand, the background of the character that remains black was not successful.
br flag
canvas-item is the main point in the duplicated link too. In your code add { ..; ..; background-color: blue }

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