
How to change terminal's theme?

in flag

I tried to change default Konsole/Terminal theme, I downloaded one from, and then i used tweaks to set it


The thing is that my terminal still has the default theme, even after restarting my computer.

default theme

Also it looks like the theme that I set in the Shell option in tweaks overrided my actual Layan theme. Did i mis-understood what the Shell option in tweaks was ? I just want to change my terminal theme.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
You haven't given OS & release details; but you've tagged numerous GNOME items but mention Konsole (a Qt5/KDE terminal) which has me confused. Which are you trying to theme? and what are you trying to change? (I wonder if it's just $PS1 or the prompt)
Falseee avatar
in flag
yes well actually i wanted to theme whatever terminal, whether gnome-shell or konsole( not just the prompt). i thought that this shouldve been done by the shell-theme option in tweaks. But now i understand how it works!
cn flag

A Gnome Shell theme changes shell buttons, colors, panels, etc., and not the actual terminal I believe.

For example: has a GTK theme as well as a gnome-terminal

I believe you would need to find out if that theme has a terminal "theme"( for lack of a better word) and set it to that.

I was trying to find a gnome-terminal version that matches the theme but im not able to.

Someone that knows this MUCH more than I do might be able to confirm/deny anything I have said and inform us correctly though.


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