
Keyboard mapping, QWERTY INTL

fm flag

i'm learning web development at the moment and we use an Oracle VM under Ubuntu. I write quite a lot of French but i'm also a keyboard enthusiast which means i have a QWERTY board. On my host OS (windows) i use the US International map which works great, it allows me to press ' + e and get é, etc.. So naturally i went the same route to setup my keyboard on Ubuntu. It works, except that when i want to type just a ' or a ", i get ´ and ¨ respectively. If you know SQL, you know my pain at the moment. I tried to fiddle around with the keyboard settings, tried 'sudo apt-get install console-common'. Nothing worked. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks for reading me.

24601 avatar
in flag
In ubuntu you may need to install `GNOME Tweaks` and set the right windows key as your `compose` key in order to select special characters such as French accents.
uz flag

I'd like to point at two options:

  1. Press ` followed by Space to type '
    Press ¨ followed by Space to type "
  2. Check out the English (intl., with AltGr dead keys) keyboard layout. With that layout you use AltGr (Right Alt) to trigger the "dead key" behavior (to type accented characters). Otherwise you get e.g. ' or " directly.
remi henry avatar
fm flag
Thanks a lot, i'll try this out, once i get my VM back, it seems the console-common module i installed corrupted the system..

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