
What should I wipe on my /home mount after a fresh installation?

in flag

I keep my system as followed:

  1. Ubuntu installation (mount point "/" and EFI boot) is on a NVMe SSD disk.
  2. All personal files (mount point "/home") is on a different SSD.

Every now and then, I would wipe the OS on the first SSD and remount the "/home" point from the second SSD so I can keep my personal files untouched between each installations.

However, there are many hidden folders in "/home", such as "/home/.local/" etc. In order to clear any remnants from previous installation, do I need to wipe any extra folders in "/home"?

guiverc avatar
cn flag
What directories in $HOME vary depending on what applications you use so we cannot be specific as you've provided no details. Yes many applications follow generic standards; but there are many standards and programmers can decide themselves which standard they'll follow, and you've provided no app guidelines so it varies. You can also re-install in a single partition without any loss of $HOME with Ubuntu installers, so it doesn't need to be on a separate ssd/disk

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