
re: How to find unnecessary files downloaded for an install of dart on Ubuntu 20.04

ph flag

From the documentation:

I did sudo apt-get install libdart6-dev then I scrolled down and saw the install everything option so did sudo apt-get install libdart6-all-dev. First one was about 590M and second one about 298M which I thought meant after the second command, it just installed whatever was missing.

But then I did not get anything with which dart

I try to run my dart helloWorld.dart and it tells me to install with sudo snap install flutter so I checked around and the actual command is sudo snap install flutter --classic. Then I did, flutter sdk-path as noted here: and it downloaded some more stuff. Now I can run my dart helloWorld.dart but wondering if I can uninstall and remove whatever I installed first or if they all work together.


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