
Configuring keyboard with script to run at login

hm flag

There are two changes to the keyboard behaviour I want to implement: 1) setting CAPS LOCK to Control and 2) decreasing the time it takes for a character to be inserted once I press down a key.

I can achieve that by running the following commands on a terminal:

setxkbmap -layout us -option ctrl:nocaps
xset r rate 200 80

I'd like, however, to have these changes effective every time I log in without any extra action from my side.

I have tried adding the file to /etc/profile.d/ with the commands above. But it didn't work.

I also wouldn't like to download an extra tool only for that.

Is there a way I can accomplish that with only a script? I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

ar flag

You can put your commands into a shell script, and have it started from a .desktop file under ~/.config/autostart.

Or click on "Activities" in the lower left corner, and search for "Startup Applications". There you can also add your script. (it's just an interface that will write a .desktop file into the autostart directory)


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