
Steam runs slowly on Ubuntu 20.04

eg flag

I just get rid of Windows and installed Ubuntu on my PC as main OS. I heard Linux gaming doesn't suck anymore. I tried to play some games that I've bought when I had Windows, so I installed Steam from the software center and it's running super slowly. I do have the hardware to play and have a nice gaming experience since in Windows I never had any problems.

I already tried reinstalling Ubuntu but it's still the same. Do I have to install certain driver or something?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Look for other "*steam is slow*" questions. See what kinds of information those folks had to provide and how to obtain that information. Add that information about your system to your Question above.
us flag

I have games faster on Ubuntu 21.04 than on Windows 10.

  • Problems with online games?
  • use nvidia?
  • if so, disable nvidia control panel Sync to VBlank, and the image settings High Performance must be set.

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