We have windows share that is accessed from both windows and ubuntu.
For ubuntu I added a mount based on cifs with /etc/fstab
//dfs/share /mnt/dfs cifs nocase,rw,cred=/etc/cifspasswd 0 0
Most of the time it works well, but every few weeks some directories give question marks for their stats.
ls -l /mnt/dfs
- drwx--x--x 2 root root 0 Aug 24 17:46 ShippingNote
- d????????? ? ? ? ? ? Target01
- d????????? ? ? ? ? ? Target02
Here Shippingnote is reachable but target0x is not.
We had a theory that the server was unable to get a new kerberos ticket from the domain controller, so we tried restarting sssd and realmd. But this did not help, only a reboot fixes it. And then it returns after a while.
lsb_release -a: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
After it happened again we see that also windows accessing the shares has problems
Create directory \dfs\FE\Backup09\2021-12-04\188424 failed
But they go away after a while and windows can access them again
The ubuntu says the same when trying to mount the share to a docker container
docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source
path '/mnt/dfs/target09/2021-12-04': mkdir /mnt/dfs/target
But the ubuntu never recovers from it.
Only a reboot helps, but what can we do to make it work again without rebooting?