
error: snap "android-studio" has "install-snap" change in progress

bf flag

I was trying to install Android studio in ubuntu 20.04. I used this command sudo snap install android-studio --classic. But after 54% download , my pc freezes and restarts automatically. After opening my pc , again open my terminal and execute the same command. This time it shows error: snap "android-studio" has "install-snap" change in progress error. What I need to do? Do I need to kill the PID.

Fadi avatar
fr flag
I have the same problem...
bf flag
@Fadi You can check the answer below.
jp flag

try the following snap changes

You should get something like this

... 123 Doing 2018-04-28T10:40:11Z - Install "foo" snap ...

Then do sudo snap abort [ID]

This will abort the process that you want to kill. Hope I was helpful

EduardKieser avatar
in flag
HI I had the following result: `error: cannot abort change 20 with nothing pending`, while still showing `ID Status Spawn Ready Summary 20 Done today at 15:07 SAST today at 15:07 SAST Remove "android-studio" snap 21 Error today at 15:08 SAST today at 15:13 SAST Install "android-studio" snap from "latest/stable" channel`
bf flag

No matter what just restart PC. Then try to finish download at once in terminal , because there is no way to pause.


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