Lubuntu 20.04:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
I have a laptop with a dock, and two additional monitors plugged into the dock. Apparently, those monitors still report themselves when soft-powered-off (not "no-signal-standby", but "power-button-off"), so the display manager still thinks I want to use them. But most of the time, I don't, and I want to leave them off.
Unfortunately, the configuration that it comes up with automatically, has the taskbar on one of those docked monitors. (which is turned off) So I have to turn it on, to get to the menu, to tell it not to use it.
The procedure is essentially:
- Menu -> Preferences -> LXQt settings -> Monitor settings

Or run lxqt-config-monitor
in a terminal.
- Settings button

- Choose the Single option that I've already saved and renamed to that, and Apply

The Multi_Home option uses the docked monitors, in the correct configuration, but most of the time, I want the Single.
I have two startup scripts already: one runs as root, the other as me a few seconds later. Is there something that I can put in one of those, to apply the Single option automatically?
My user-level startup script is started by a desktop config file in ~/.config/autostart/
. Next to it is a ~/.config/autostart/lxqt-config-monitor-autostart.desktop
file that I didn't create, with these contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Autostart monitor settings for LXQt-config-monitor
Exec=lxqt-config-monitor -l
Might that have anything to do with anything?