
Transmission not downloading temp files to Save to Location path

ma flag

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. i used the following commands to install:

sudo apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-common

I mounted a dir into /mnt/drive and defined in the settings to download into that /mnt/drive folder incomplete files and completed files.

I stopped the daemon service, then I used sudo nano /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json command to edit these settings, and then started the daemon again.

However I can clearly see by du -h command that /dev/sda1 is filling up space when downloading a torrent, and only after it's completion this space goes away.

any idea what I am doing wrong?

vn flag
If you are running the command as a regular user why don't you edit the settings on `~/.config/transmission/settings.json`? Exactly what did you change on this file? `download-dir`?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Your question doesn't show us what settings you changed. That would be helpful.
ma flag
yes I changed download-dir setting to a /mnt folder
ma flag
maybe its something about tmpfs

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