
Color picker doesn't work

cn flag

Gpick (0.2.6) is not working anymore on my computer (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS). When I click on "Pick color", I do not see the display around my mouse in the small box where it should be magnified. This box stays gray. When I pick a color (by pressing the space bar) it is always black (#000000).

I have downloaded Pick (2.0.2) but it does not work either.

I have also noticed here that Gpick should be able to provide color name but it never worked on my computer. Under Edit>Color dictionaries, it seems that we can add a color dictionary file. Do you know how it works?

Many thanks for your help!

EDIT: I'm running wayland.

sudodus avatar
jp flag
Which desktop environment are you running? Are you running x or wayland? Please run the following command line and post the result: `env|grep XDG|grep -e XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP -e XDG_SESSION_TYPE`
TVG avatar
cn flag
I'm running wayland. Please see the result of the command line above.
sudodus avatar
jp flag
I suspect that Gpick does not work in Wayland. You can test that by switching to x11 on the log in screen (the round icon at the bottom right corner).
TVG avatar
cn flag
Thanks! I've switched to x11 and it works better. Now the correct color is picked but I don't see the magnified display in the small box of the app...
sudodus avatar
jp flag
You are welcome @TVG :-) It happens that apps for graphics do not work exactly like before in new versions of the desktop environment. Sometimes it is improved, sometimes there is a regression. If you think it is an important regression, please create a bug report at [Launchpad](
jp flag

After a dialogue via comments, we found out that the colour picker Gpick (0.2.6)

  • does not work in Wayland
  • works in x11 (but with a regression: the magnified display in the small box of the app is no longer there)

You can check desktop environment and session type by the command

ßiansor Å. Ålmerol avatar
in flag
So what's the solution? Or better use other?
sudodus avatar
jp flag
@ßiansorÅ.Ålmerol, The OP switched to x11 (and reposrted that it works well enough),
ßiansor Å. Ålmerol avatar
in flag
Yeah I switched yesterday cause I can't find any solution it works thanks
cn flag

I had the same issue on GNOME 3.32 with X11

In my case, however, I had desktop zoom enabled. Disabling desktop zoom fixed the issue. You can do this via the accessibility icon in the top panel - or by using a keyboard shortcut - the default for turning zoom on or off is Super+Alt+8

TVG avatar
cn flag
What is the "accessibility icon"? On the bottom right of Gpick window, there is a pick colors icon. The default shortcut seems to be Ctrl+P. I note that this icon button works fine! It displays a desktop zoom box that follows the mouse. However, the pick color button on the top left of Gpick window still don't display the desktop zoom.
cn flag

Switching from Wayland to x11 solved most of the problems (see @sudodus comments).

It is possible to pick a color with Gpick but the small box still does not show anything.

Pick seems to work fine although the display of the app is kind of buggy.


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