
How can i host DayZ on a remote ubuntu 20.04 Server?

np flag

I am trying to host a DayZ server on Ubuntu 20.04 server.

I have installed wine and when I run the server software it creates the process "DayZServer_x64" which I have checked with the top command.

But even so when I open the client on a windows PC it tells me that the server is inaccessible

I don't know if it matters but when I run the software with wine I get the following: winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make shure that your X server is running and the $DISPLAY is set correctly.

EODCraft Staff avatar
cn flag
Windows Firewall, UFW, both out of the way?
Skullkid avatar
np flag
I have the firewall disabled ... I have already connected with the client, but running the server software on a windows pc
Gloat avatar
hk flag
Have you made sure that you are connecting to the correct IP, is this a LAN machine (They are on the same private network), or is this linux machine on some VPS or in another subnet?
Skullkid avatar
np flag
yes indeed the two pcs are on the same LAN and the ubuntu server is on a vm
Skullkid avatar
np flag
I don't know if it matters but when I run the software with wine I get the following: winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make shure that your X server is running and the $DISPLAY is set correctly.

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