
need to run `pulseaudio -k` to record from null sink

mz flag

I want to be able to capture both the microphone and the system sounds at the same time. To help me do that I have put the following commands in ~/.config/pulse/ which create a null sink:

.include /etc/pulse/
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=MySink sink_properties=device.description=Mic_and_system_sounds
load-module module-loopback source=alsa_input.usb-0c76_USB_PnP_Audio_Device-00.mono-fallback sink=MySink
load-module module-loopback source=alsa_output.pci-0000_0a_00.3.analog-stereo.monitor sink=MySink

When I first log in I can't record the monitor of Mic_and_system_sounds: but I can once I've run pulseaudio -k. Before I run that command, I can see Mic_and_system_sounds listed in the output devices in pavucontrol and nothing in the recording tab; once I've run pulseaudio -k I can also see the loopback to Mic_and_system_sounds from the microphone and from the soundcard in the recording tab of pavucontrol, and I can record the monitor of Mic_and_system_sounds.

Is there a way around having to run pulseaudio -k each time I log in in order to be able to record the monitor of Mic_and_system_sounds? I hoped that by putting the commands in ~/.config/pulse/ I would be able to do that right away on logging in. I am on Ubuntu 20.04.


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