
How to scroll only with the Trackpoint, without using the middle mouse button in Ubuntu 18.04?

cn flag

I have long been used to the keyboard and touchpad design, and the Trackpoint on my new laptop is pretty much useless due to my existing habits.

Is there a way to make the Trackpoint directly scroll without pressing the middle mouse button on Ubuntu 18.04.5?

I have tried searching online but with no results. xinput --list-props doesn't have such an option. I think I might need a script or some other software to do this, but I don't know where to start.

Terrance avatar
id flag
Doesn't two-finger scroll work on the touchpad?
Scramjet avatar
cn flag
yes, it does, but I wanted to use the trackpoint to scroll
Terrance avatar
id flag
I don't have a trackpoint to test this out, but it does look entirely possible:.

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