
Network interface binding only working for root user

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I have a computer running Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 (using netplan for networking), and I am running into an issue where programs that support binding to a network interface continue to use the default route unless I run them as root. For example, when I run a command such curl --interface myinterface rather than binding to myinterface, curl still sends the traffic through the default route (unless I run it as root).

On my other computer running Ubuntu Desktop 21.04 (using NetworkManager for networking), this problem doesn't exist, and I can freely bind to interfaces without root privileges. Is there a way to do this in Ubuntu Server and netplan?

waltinator avatar
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Look at `ip route show`, or `ip r`, read `man ip ip-route`.
Denatonium Benzoate avatar
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@waltinator I'm not adding the second interface's routes to the routing table, because I want all programs to go through the default route, except for the programs which I have specifically told to bind to the other interface. I don't want to touch the routing table. This works fine when using NetworkManager, but there's something about systemd-networkd and netplan that's causing issues with this approach.

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