
Shrink down an image file which is made by with the Ubuntu's "Disks" application

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So I've made a backup image file from my Ubuntu system with the Disks application. My SSD storage is 180GB which is quite big due to the fact that my system is only 20% of it. So there are a numerous amount of empty space besides. I've found some solutions how to shrink down the .img file afterwards.

But what I'm looking for is a way or option to prepare/compress/create just the "active" part from the storage and leave the unused areas.

Therefore, to get an image like ~34GB instead of 180Gb (which is allocated the entire storage), according to the above instance.

mook765 avatar
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Anything helpful in ?
r4nd3l8888 avatar
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Well, so far the DD command might be a solution for my case. I'll take some experiment in the following days and share my feedback here!
r4nd3l8888 avatar
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Okay, I'm back. So I've tested that mentioned solution @mook765 , but it's very complex, therefore I'm still looking for other ways to make this task happen. Anyway I appreciate your answer! - and welcome any other too!

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