
Uninstall MS Teams

in flag

I had a problem with the MS Teams app and tried to update my version via the package manager. This however led to an additional installation of MS Teams. I wanted to uninstall both applications now to clear my system.

Using sudo apt remove teams I was able to uninstall one of the installations. The other one is still being shown when I view the application screen, and I don't know how to remove it.

Mat D. avatar
in flag
I recommend considering also [this post]( on how to manually uninstall MS Teams.
us flag

You may have installed the other one as a snap package, as Ubuntu's new software store defaults to snap packages.

Open a terminal and enter the command

sudo snap remove teams

There are three packages for Teams in the snap store. If the first command did not work, you may also try the following commands one by one.

sudo snap remove teams-insiders


sudo snap remove teams-for-linux

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