
teUnable to mount NTFS partition

gm flag

I have an SSD with Windows 10 installed. I have been able to mount the partition in the past.

However, now, when I mount the partition with Windows on it, I get an error message complaining about a wrong file system type.

I have already disabled fast startup. I am using Ubuntu bionic. The output when I tried ntfsfix:

sudo ntfsfix /dev/nvme0

Mounting volume... Error reading bootsector: Invalid argument Failed to sync device /dev/nvme0: Invalid argument
FAILED Attempting to correct errors...
Error reading bootsector: Invalid argument
Failed to sync device /dev/nvme0: Invalid argument
FAILED Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument
Error reading bootsector: Invalid argument
Unrecoverable error Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.

And of

sudo ntfsfix /dev/nvme0n1p3

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/nvme0n1p3 Mounting volume...
NTFS signature is missing. FAILED Attempting to correct errors...
NTFS signature is missing. FAILED Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument
NTFS signature is missing. Trying the alternate boot sector
Unrecoverable error Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.

Chkdsk on Windows doesn't report any problems.

Esmaeil MIRZAEE avatar
us flag
Please explain more specifically, provide more information about the errors you got and where you get them. Answering the following question could be helpful to solve the problem. 1. Where do you get the error? and what the error is? 2. What the format of your removable disk is?
hu flag
You need to make sure Windows is shut down and not hibernated. There is a setting for that in Power Options called Fastboot.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
@mikewhatever fastboot is something else. "Fast Startup" is a hybrid suspend option that is enabled by default that must be disabled to share the volume with Ubuntu in dual boot configuration
waltinator avatar
it flag
Some Windows updates restore FastBoot to the setting Microsoft wants (ON), and you have to turn it OFF again.
in flag

Try ntfsfix /dev/sd* before mounting it. That checks any file system errors and fixes the disk if it's hibernated so it can be mounted with read-write permissions.


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