
How to Fully Backup and Restore gpg Keys, Signatures and Settings

jp flag

My gpg backup process so far is:

$ gpg --export-ownertrust > PATH/TO/BACKUP/ownertrust.txt
$ cp -u ~/.gpgrc PATH/TO/BACKUP/
$ cp -u ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf PATH/TO/BACKUP/
$ gpg --export-secret-keys --armor
copy and paste/print/save output to your choice of secure place (ideally offline and offsite)

My gpg restore process so far is:

$ gpg --list-keys # make sure gpg is installed and initiated (install if necessary)
$ rm ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg
Copy private key to temporary file if not in file format
$ gpg --import TEMPFILE.asc # substitute TEMPFILE with your sig/asc filename
$ gpg --import-ownertrust PATH/TO/BACKUP/ownertrust.txt

This gets me up and running again, but none of the 3rd party (e.g. skype, ubuntu, archlinux, etc...) public keys or signatures that I had before are restored.

How do I modify my backup and restore processes to capture these 3rd party keys and signatures?

tj flag

This gets me up and running again, but none of the 3rd party (e.g. skype, ubuntu, archlinux, etc...) public keys or signatures that I had before are restored.

That is because you only exported your own keys (--export-secret-keys). To export all public keys you must use the --export command.

How do I modify my backup and restore processes to capture these 3rd party keys and signatures?

Add --export (to export your public keyring and exportable signatures) with the option --export-options backup (to include all local signatures) to your gpg export process:

$ gpg --export-options backup -o PATH/TO/BACKUP/keyring.gpg --export

Then add the following to your gpg restore process:

$ gpg --import-options restore --import PATH/TO/BACKUP/keyring.gpg

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