
Terraria is not running smoothly at all,

cn flag

I've set up Proton GE-1 6.16 and Terraria just won't run smoothly, it strives to 60fps but still stutters quite a bit, still playable. I have a GTX 1660ti and I am using nvidia-driver-470.

pLumo avatar
in flag
Regarding the recommended specs, it should work fine. However, why do you use Proton when the game is available on Steam for Linux?
qKweint avatar
cn flag
I am using proton because if I don't the game runs in slow mo for some reason /: but regardless of that, i assume that game that i will need to use proton for will run just as bad, ubuntu entirely runs pretty bad for me, and not smooth at all, i want to use it so bad but nothing seems to go my way, and i love it

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