
What is kernel-package? Why we need to install kernel-package? (or Why we have to use another kernel source from

ph flag

I have googled the first question but no obvious result appeared for beginners like me. So I gather two important question into a post so that other people can find. Please correct me if I misunderstand something.

According to mannages.ubuntu

The kernel-package package use to automate the routine steps required to compile and install a different (custom) kernel.

So Why we need to install kernel-package? ask.ubuntu

There is a project, started and headed by Linus Torvalds, that maintains the source code for a kernel called the Linux kernel. This is what's distributed at Note that this is not a kernel, it's source code — Like a recipe for a cake but not a cake: To make a cake, you have to follow the recipe step by step, mix ingredients, bake; To make a kernel, you have to configure the source code for your computer and compile it.

Bruni avatar
cn flag
Please specify, which kernel package you mean. For info on what a kernel is:
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Does this answer your question? [Why are there so many "linux-" kernel packages on my machine, and what do they all do?](
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Also see here: [What are the differences between the Ubuntu shipped kernel and the upstream kernel?](
ph flag
@Bruni I mean the definition of "kernel package", not a specific one
ph flag
@ArturMeinild No, I mean the definition of "kernel package" - What does it ever mean? Thanks for the reference link but for beginners like me, it's contain too much definition. i.e: "upstream kernels", "Source patches"... although explained very detail. I think it's better to use analogy.
mchid avatar
bo flag
OP is talking about a package named `kernel-package` not an actual package that is a kernel. These comments read like the Ubuntu version of who's on first.

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