
How to recover lost partition from parted - NixOs and Ubuntu

co flag

I attempted to install NixOs on a machine that already had an Ubuntu install on it. Following the installation guide here:, I followed steps 2.1.1, 2.2.2, and then the mkswap 2.2.3 direction. After I did so, I realized that it erased the partition for the Ubuntu install, but it seems to still be installed on the computer. How might I recover the Ubuntu installation, if at all possible?

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Reinstall. What you think "still be installed on the computer" is only a now non-working efi entry. You deleted the partition, it's gone.
cc flag
If you stopped before formatting the new partitions, just reset the partition sizes to what they were -- the old filesystem/data should still be there.

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