
How to remove widget from kubuntu

ca flag

I am using Kubuntu, I added a new widget in desktop screen will show my RAM usage by different types of applications. But now I want to remove that widget but I am not able to remove it. (to remove any widget, we have to just press mouse right button and it will show options to remove the widget). But now nothing is happening when I press mouse right button.
If I add another widget, I am able to remove it. The problem is only with that widget.

I tried xkill command to kill that widget, but it is killing my desktop screen and screen turns into black color. So I restart my computer and that widget is still in my desktop screen. You can see my widget given in image on right side.

Note : That widget is working fine, but I want to remove it.

How to remove that widget ?

us flag
Can you remove it after entering edit mode?
Abhishek kamal avatar
ca flag
Thanks, now I am able to remove it after entering in edit mode.
Abhishek kamal avatar
ca flag
I am new to Kubuntu. My friends said it is more customizable and has a lot of features.
us flag
Yes, the KDE Plasma desktop in Kubuntu is heavily customizable. You may find some nice youtube videos with detailed descriptions.
Abhishek kamal avatar
ca flag
Sure, I will check those videos.

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