
Split text file by =

in flag

I have a bunch of .dat files (about 1000) in separate folders. each of them has some kind of data like below :

Carreau Poseuille Flow

Velocity in lattice units: u=0.00210431
Reynolds number:           Re=5.30287
Carreau number:            Cu=10
Lattice resolution:        N=252
Extent of the system:      lx=1
Extent of the system:      ly=1
Extent of the system:      lz=1
Grid spacing deltaX:       dx=0.00396825
Time step deltaT:          dt=8.35045e-06
Exponent:                  n=1
Zero viscosity:            nu0=0.1
Inf viscosity:             nuInf=0
Zero Omega:                omega0=1.25
Inf  Omega:                omegaInf=2
Lambda:                    lambda=1.19754e+06
time dependancy factor:                    TDfactor=1

I want to split this text and remove anything by the left side of = ; which means I only need numbers in a column. I appreciate any suggestion.

many thanks; Elahe

jp flag

You can cut at = and select second column:

< input-file cut -d = -f2 > output-file

See man cut for more details about cut.

it flag

You can cut at = and be done.

cut -d= -f 2 input_file >output_file

Read man cut.


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