
Getting S/PDIF sound out of emu10k1 on 20.04

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Have moved from 14.04 where sound was working to 20.04 on new hardware. Comparing the 2 desktop machines alsa_base is identical. Differences are the old working machine has an integrated sound chip running at 44.1 kHz. New machine uses emu10k1 chip running at 48 kHz with the snd_emu10k1 driver. No digital stream is recognized by the powered speakers that do the DAC but spec's say 48KHZ is OK, anything up to 55 Khz. There are 3 sound cards, emu10k1 is in the 0 slot and the active profile is output:iec958. Using synaptic to reinstall a number of packages was no help. Something is broken. What might it take to fix it.


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