
Maintain aspect ratio while rotating the video through MPV media player

pg flag

I am currently using the mpv media player in Kubuntu 21.04. To rotate the video by keyboard, I edited the ~/.config/mpv/input.conf file and added:

r cycle_values video-rotate 90 180 270 0

Now, whenever I play a video with mpv and press r, the video will be rotated by 90 degrees, as shown in the image below:

rotated video

However, this also changes the aspect ratio after rotating by some degrees.
You can see the default image of this video without any rotation at this time below:

non-rotated video

There was no issue when I was using mpv before in elementary OS.
This issue came up when I started using Kubuntu.

How can I solve this problem?

BeastOfCaerbannog avatar
ca flag
Can you [edit] your question and add the contents of your `~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf` and `~/.config/mpv/input.conf` files?
Abhishek Kamal avatar
pg flag
I just checked that I don't have `mpv.conf` inside `~/.config/mpv/`. I only have `input.conf` and the content of input.conf is `r cycle_values video-rotate 90 180 270 0`
BeastOfCaerbannog avatar
ca flag
I cannot reproduce your problem on Ubuntu 20.04 with GNOME. However, you may take a look at the `geometry` and `autofit-larger` options of mpv, that could perhaps help. For exampe, I have added in my `mpv.conf` the following (in separate lines): `geometry=50%:50%` and `autofit-larger=50%x50%`.
Abhishek Kamal avatar
pg flag
Okay, no worry. But thanks to help me again.

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