
Microphone volume changes everytime it is used

ph flag

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (Kernel 5.11.0-34-generic) and getting into an annoying issue. I've set my mic volume with alsamixer the way I want it. However, every time an application starts/stops using the microphone (for example, when I launch OBS or when I close it, when I enter a meeting and when I quit it), it gets back to the volume configuration I don't want.

This is the configuration I want (Mic Boost = 20dB; Capture = 24dB): Mic Boost = 20dB; Capture = 24dB

This is the configuration I get every time I start/stop using the mic (Mic Boost = 10dB; Capture = 30dB): Mic Boost = 10dB; Capture = 30dB

For now, I configured a shortcut that sets the correct volume (using amixer) whenever I need, but how can I avoid this issue completely?

I tried this, using 20dB and 10dB (as in amixer), but then my mic stopped working after alsa force-reload.


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