
Reset X display configuration?

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I should know better, but I was installing updated NVidia drivers for my laptop and have gotten things so messed up that X will not start properly. Using Kubuntu 21.04. The laptop is an Eluktronics RP-17 with an AMD Ryzen 7 4800H processor with graphics (used for the laptop display) and an NVidia 2060 that drives the monitor. I've tried a number of things with no success - removing and reinstalling both the AMDGPU and Nvidia-driver-470 packages, but I'm not having any success getting X to start properly. I've tried going back to the 460 driver, updating AMDGPU, but my guess is that my Xconfigs are so messed up that I need to revert to scratch. I've tried ./X -configure but it throws an error: Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices. Configuration failed.

Any assistance completely resetting the X display configuration would be appreciated.

Terrance avatar
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In the `/etc/X11/` folder you should have backups of the `xorg.conf` file in there for any driver updates, etc. You can try copying the oldest one back as `xorg.conf`.
MJMcMahon67 avatar
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I tried that, but there weren't any xorg.conf files present :(
Terrance avatar
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You can try creating a new one using `sudo nvidia-xconfig`

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