
Blender viewport bugs out, not solved by switching graphics cards

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A few days ago I opened Blender and was treated to this mess. I don't know what caused it, but it seemed to have something to do with my graphics card. My system has two GPUs, an Intel HD 530 and an NVIDIA GT 730. Since the problem was occurring on the Intel card, I decided to switch and see if the problem continued. Unfortunately, it did (although it feels subjectively like it's less severe). The drivers on the NVIDIA card were also slightly out of date, but upgrading from 460 to 470 didn't change anything. It is possible that I messed something else up that would also be creating this problem when I switched cards, but I don't know what that would be.

Given that switching cards did not solve the issue, I'm tempted to think that Blender is simply not using the GPU for some reason. However, there's nothing in Blender's settings that would let me change that, that I can see at least.

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 and Blender 2.93.4.


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