
Chrome freezing Ubuntu 20

it flag

I have seen similar issues with previous Ubuntu versions, and some that could solve or ease this activating GPU acceleration, but these don't work for me.

I'm using a Gen 10 Core i7 with an integrated Nvidia MX350, I don't know if they can contribute to the problem.

If I have too much tabs opened it just freezes the whole system. A big problem when working on multiple projects at a time.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
"*freezes the whole system*" suggests swapping and lack of sufficient RAM to handle all those open tabs.
Terrance avatar
id flag
Besides what @user535733 stated above, Chrome is also a huge memory hog as is and doesn't handle memory management as well as other browsers like Firefox.
David avatar
cn flag
You never said what version of Ubuntu or how much ram you have. Each tab in Chrome takes more ram.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Gen 10 and 11 do benefiti from much newer kernels than the ones currently shipped with Ubuntu 20.04. And the Nvidia graphics needs proprietary drivers.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu 20? so this is a Ubuntu Core 20 system? That system wasn't designed for desktop use, try Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Rajo avatar
it flag
I have 16GB of RAM and it crashes just around 20 tabs, nothing crazy. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Terrance avatar
id flag
Some may argue with me, but maybe try setting your `vm.swappiness = 10` in your `/etc/sysctl.conf` file and run `sudo sysctl -p` to activate it and see if that helps. That adjusts the aggressiveness towards swap to be less aggressive.

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