
How can I backup Linux Ubuntu 20.04 VPS to Google Drive or Windows?

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I got myself a VPS and learning how to manage it myself. So you can say I'm a noob in this. So everything seems to be working perfectly but what I need right now is to backup my system to Google Drive so that I can restore it when I need it. This is because I might have to change my provider in the near future and I don't want to do all the configurations again. And also because I don't want to lose my sudo users and files.

I have been looking online and found about Timeshift. Is there a way I can back my system with Timeshift and store it in Google Drive? I don't need to do it periodically but when I want to.

Also the tutorials of setting Timeshift is made with Ubuntu GUI and I don't have a GUI. I work on my server from CLI. Is there a way I can set it up from CLI?

Also please note that I'm not aware of Timeshift is open source or not. I am looking for a free one. If you have any suggestions please go ahead and mention it.

cn flag

Yes, Timeshift is open source. It's in the Ubuntu repositories.

Yes, Timeshift can be controlled from the shell (CLI).

Google Drive --which requires OAuth-- requires a bit of additional software and an API Key to use as a backup storage device. Those hurdles were put in place by Google, not us.

A Windows system requires an SSH server. If that LAN doesn't have a consistent IP address, then a DDNS client may be useful, too. And, of course, you must port-forward the Router so Timeshift can find the PC.

Zak avatar
do flag
Thanks so much sir for your valuable input. However, I have not understood anything in the last two paragraphs. Is there any tutorial for any one of the last two?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
If you don't understand, then you are not ready to implement. More learning.
Zak avatar
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Yeah. Can you please point me to any tutorial from where I can learn?

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