I have an Allen and Heath Qu32 mixer which sends 32 channels of audio to my computer and receives 32 channels of audio back.
I am getting sporadic digital noise on my returns.
Alas A&H do not support any linux systems but for windows and mac they say...
WIFI adapters: disable WIFI
Antivirus/firewall software: turn off the internet and disable the software
Optimise your Windows power settings for real-time audio streaming by following these steps:
Create a power plan in 'Settings' > 'Power & Sleep' > 'Additional power settings'
Select a High-Performance power plan and then ‘Next' > 'Create’
On the plan you’ve just made, go to 'Change plan settings' > 'Change advance power settings'
Expand USB settings and USB selective suspend setting and change to ‘Disabled’
To optimise your Mac power settings for real-time audio streaming:
View your power saving settings in System Preferences > Energy Saver
Set 'Computer Sleep' to 'Never'
Untick 'Put hard disks to sleep when possible'.
Always connect your Qu directly to your computer, not through a hub, and unplug any other USB devices you are not using.
Is there an equivalent for ubuntu studio? and how should I go about doing it?
( I don't hear these problems if I use a 16channel interface and A&H suggest that it is due to the amount of data being thrown up and down the usb cable)
Thank you for any help that you can give me.