
In Kubuntu, how do I start a new instance from taskbar with meta+shift+number?

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In Ubuntu or Windows, I can press win/super/meta+shift+number to open a new application instance that is pinned to the taskbar (the number denotes which app to open). But after I switched to Kubuntu-desktop, this combination does not work. The only thing that works is meta+number opens a new instance if no instance is already opened; and switches to the opened instance if there already is one. Adding shift to this combination does nothing.

I found no corresponding items in shortcut settings. How I do configure KDE to open a new instance with meta+shift+number?

System specs (if it matters):

  • Kubuntu 20.04
  • KDE Plasma 5.18.5
  • KDE Framework 5.68.0
  • Qt 5.12.8
  • Kernel 5.11.0-34-generic

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