
How do I add and mount a new hard drive in an Ubuntu Appliance running on a NUC?

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Background: I initially read through the How to use the Nextcloud Ubuntu Appliance tutorial and have successfully deployed Nextcloud on an Intel NUC. It's already configured and working through firewall with a static IP, SSL, and all that good stuff.

Question: How can I add a volume from a newly installed HDD in my NUC to the Nextcloud Ubuntu Appliance that's running on that NUC?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Are you saying that you are unable to add storage using the Nextcloud WebUI settings?
in flag
I'm saying that I don't fully understand how to add/mount a drive in an appliance. Is it the same as in Ubuntu Server?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
No: Generally, an *appliance* (meaning an application + Ubuntu Core, distributed together as a single file) has no user account for the Ubuntu Core section. That means you cannot login to the OS and use the `mount` command (or any other OS command or setting). The only settings you can access are in the application. If this is an accurate description of the problem, then please file a bug report with the Appliance author. If I have misunderstood the situation, or if you not actually using and the word "appliance" has caused confusion, then please clarify.

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