
Is there a portable version of ungoogled-chromium for ubuntu?

tf flag

I'd really like to use the "ungoogled-chromium"-browser alongside firefox- but as a portable version. This mean: All the necessary files are stored in one folder and/or subfolders, so that I can move the folder whereever I want and run it from this location without losing the browser cache, settings and so on .. For example to switch between ubuntu computers.

If you take a look on the download site, the linux download-file is already called "portable". But if I extract the file and run the browser, it creates folders in my user-directory for example in .config, .cache

I saw a post, where someone helped a user with creating a script, who wanted a portable version of chrome. Is something like this maybe also possible for this ungoogled-chromium..? Or another way? It would mean a lot to me :)

Thanks for any help or information anyway!

raj avatar
cn flag
You already got an answer - I would like only to add that the word "portable" when describing an application usually means only that the application does not require installation; you just download it and run. It does not promise that you can move the application after use together with it's config or data files to a different computer. In the Windows world, I know of several "portable" applications that are storing config in Windows Registry like regular "installable" applications.
ubuntu4life avatar
tf flag
interesting ... thanks for the info!! :)
pk flag

AppImage aims to be an application deployment system for Linux with the following objectives: simplicity, binary compatibility, distro agnosticism, no installation, no root permission, being portable, and keeping the underlying operating system untouched.,the%20underlying%20operating%20system%20untouched.

Download here as an AppImage:

Download the latest version and run chmod +x /PATH/TO/ungoogled-chromium_<version>.AppImage, create a folder in the same directory as the AppImage named ungoogled-chromium_<version>.AppImage.home to store all the data in there instead of your home directory, then execute it.

Enjoy :)
ubuntu4life avatar
tf flag
I feel sooo (!) stupid- I always though, why is there this AppImage-format, but it stores the cache and other file in the home directory anyway ...?! I never knew, that I have to create a extra folder for this ...! Maybe I had to research more ... anyway- you helped me a lot...!!!! This will help me massive with all other AppImage Files now! xD If carma exists, you get 1/4 of my total :P
in flag

It should be possible to download the semi-official build from the public Chromium sources.

For example, a process of some Chromium version 95.0.4638 files search and download (adjusted steps originally written for version 44):

  1. Look in updates for the last time version 4638 was mentioned. There is a field which queries the general Google:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Selected one of the above results and:

    enter image description here

  2. Loop up that version history (specifically, 95.0.4638.69) in the Position Lookup;

    enter image description here

  3. In this case it returns a base position of 920003. This is the commit of where the 95 release was branched, back in September 2021:

    enter image description here

  4. Try searching in all required platforms (i.e. Linux, Linux x64, Windows, Windows x64, Mac etc.) on continuous builds archive - paste "920003" into the filter field at the top and wait for all the results to XHR in. If no results is shown, try incrementing or decrementing the value (i.e. 920004, 920005 etc.).

  5. Eventually, it showed 920005 at Linux x64:

    enter image description here

  6. Download the required file (e.g.

  7. Unzip and voilà:

    enter image description here

Why 95.0.4638.0 instead of 95.0.4638.69? From the original steps page mentioned above:

As this build was made at 44 branch point, it does not have any commits merged in while in beta.

It's also worth to mention that www. for is mandatory.

For a broad example, to download the archive and run Chromium 95.0.4638.0-dev-x64:

if [ ! -f './chrome-linux/chrome' ];
    wget -O './' -- '';
    unzip './';

cd './chrome-linux';

declare tmpDirpath; # Just in case it's a local variable
tmpDirpath="$( mktemp; )";
readonly tmpDirpath;
printf -- $'Temporary User directory: \'%s\'\n' "$tmpDirpath";

'./chrome' --user-data-dir="$tmpDirpath";

As mentioned in the above quite broad "script", in order to have a more isolated or "portable" environment, try setting option --user-data-dir for the executable.


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