
How to use RGB keyboard on linux?

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I've recently installed Ubuntu on my computer. When Ubuntu starts, my RGB keyboard light is off!!

Can you help me get the light to work with Ubuntu?

ChanganAuto avatar
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We can't help you without knowing the hardware in question.
Nate T avatar
it flag
And the software version. 20.10 and 21.04 deal with certain devices differently, for example.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
More details are needed to answer your question. You should include the version and flavor of Ubuntu and you should also include the make/model of your keyboard. In general, if the keyboard requires software from the manufacturer for a particular feature and the hardware manufacturer does not make this software for Linux, then you will not be able to use the feature. Some manufacturers make keyboards with onboard memory for these kinds of features so that the end user can use the keyboard with different devices and operating systems without having to reconfigure software
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Open the terminal, this can be done via the applications UI in the bottom left. ctrl+T might also work.

Then you will want to type in: man xset

This is the manual for xset. If you are new this sort of thing it might come over as intimidating, but don't worry.

If you scroll down a little you will find there to be a tab for 'led'. Read it. .......... You done? Great!

To return to the command line press: q

Okay, so in your case the command 'xset led' should work, try it!


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