
polkit? How do I make timeshift gui start without making me enter my password? (`Authentication is needed to run '/usr/bin/env' as the super user`)

ru flag

I really don't need this nagging dialog box forcing me to enter my password every time I want to do something with backups,
but I can't figure out how to disable it
like, it's clearly not a matter of using visudo to add a line to the sudoers file for myself
(eg myusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/timeshift (or timeshift-gtk or timeshift-launcher etc))
and I haven't been able to find anything helpful just by googling.

So how do I make the timeshift gui start without making me enter my password?

The dialog box, besides telling me Authentication is needed to run '/usr/bin/env' as the super user,
also gives me the details:

Action: Run programs as anothter user
ID: org.freedesktop.policykit.exec
Vendor: The PolicyKit Project 3559 3564

with The PolicyKit Project being a link to
which just gets a "Not Found" error.

Should I be looking for a tutorial on using this "polkit" thing, or...?


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