
Netplan DNS disaster

in flag

I'm struggling to get netplan to work. (I thought I still wanted resolv.conf this does fix DNS but gets re-written on reboot.) Everything appears to be correct but I can't ping.

$ sudo netplan --debug apply
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.887: Processing input file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml..
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.888: starting new processing pass
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.888: We have some netdefs, pass them through a final round of validation
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.888: ens160: setting default backend to 1
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.888: Configuration is valid
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.888: Generating output files..
** (generate:14256): DEBUG: 00:38:22.888: NetworkManager: definition ens160 is not for us (backend 1)
DEBUG:netplan generated networkd configuration changed, restarting networkd
DEBUG:no netplan generated NM configuration exists
DEBUG:ens160 not found in {}
DEBUG:Merged config:
  bonds: {}
  bridges: {}
      critical: true
      dhcp4: true
        use-dns: false
      dhcp6: true
        use-dns: false
      ipv6-privacy: true
        - home
  vlans: {}
  wifis: {}

DEBUG:Skipping non-physical interface: lo
DEBUG:device ens160 operstate is up, not changing
DEBUG:Skipping non-physical interface: docker0
DEBUG:Skipping non-physical interface: hassio
DEBUG:Skipping non-physical interface: vethecdde1c
DEBUG:netplan triggering .link rules for lo
DEBUG:netplan triggering .link rules for ens160
DEBUG:netplan triggering .link rules for docker0
DEBUG:netplan triggering .link rules for hassio
DEBUG:netplan triggering .link rules for vethecdde1c
$ ping
ping: Temporary failure in name resolution

edits per request.

I assumed I was using netplan since it was installed.

/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml I did not create this file it was there.

            critical: true
            dhcp4: true
                use-dns: false
            dhcp6: true
                use-dns: false
            ipv6-privacy: true
                search: [home]
                addresses: [,]

    version: 2

When I try to the two commands I get error for both.

$ sudo systemd-resolve --status
Failed to get global data: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found.
$ sudo resolvectl --status
sudo: resolvectl: command not found
ru flag
Are you using Netplan or NetworkManager? This here sounds a lot like NetworkManager may be taking control. Is this a Desktop or Server setup, and have you verified you aren't using any other network configuration manager like NetworkManager or otherwise to control the interfaces? Can you provide a copy of your `/etc/netplan` configuration, not just the error output here? Also the output of `systemd-resolve --status` or `resolvectl --status` depending on which Ubuntu you're on (20.04+ has `resolvectl`, 18.04 doesn't so you have to invoke via the `systemd-resolved` command)
wlraider70 avatar
in flag
@ThomasWard I added the info you requested.
us flag
$ sudo: resolvectl: command not found What Ubuntu release are you running? This command is part of systemd in 20.04 and later so should always be present. $ sudo systemd-resolve --status Why is systemd-resolved not running on your system? `systemctl status systemd-resolved`
wlraider70 avatar
in flag
version: 18.04.6
mo flag

What you want is Dnsmasq. Netplan only allows to configure fallback DNS, not a domain DNS.

Prepare installation

  • Remove "systemd-resolved"
    • sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
    • sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
  • Remove linked resolv.conf
    • Make sure it is a link (will point to something like: ...systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf):
    • sudo ls -lh /etc/resolv.conf
    • Remove link:
    • sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
  • Add temporary DNS
    • sudo echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
  • Install Dnsmasq
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install dnsmasq

Problem with dnsmasq.d/lxd

You might get this error when dnsmasq starts initially:

dnsmasq: cannot access /etc/dnsmasq.d/lxd: No such file or directory

To resolve this just remove symlink ¯\(ツ)

sudo rm /etc/dnsmasq.d/lxd

And restart:

service dnsmasq restart
service dnsmasq status

Configure DNSmasq

Edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf.

Search and uncomment this options:

  • domain-needed
  • bogus-priv
  • strict-order
  • no-resolv

Add your domain DNS servers e.g.:


Add generic servers e.g.:


Restart when done:

service dnsmasq restart
service dnsmasq status

Note that status will show which DNS servers are actually used (using nameserver ...).

Final steps

  • Set DNS to local:
    • Add local DNS in resolve:
      • sudo echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
    • Update /etc/netplan/ yaml file too.
  • Test with dig (or ping).
    • (look for ;; ANSWER SECTION:)
    • dig app01.some.vlan
    • dig
  • Enable running on boot:
    • systemctl enable dnsmasq
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