
USB Flash drive no permissions and doesn't mount automatically

cn flag

Every USB Flash drive i use does not give me permissions to save anything to the USB flash drive. I have to format the USB Flash drive everytime I want to save to it. I do not know why the permissions of the USB flash drive change to root permissions after I use it.

For every USB Flash drive I use with Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, I can not save anything to the flash drive because it says that I do not have permission. I have tried formatting the flash drive and formatting partitions, which will allow me to save to the flash drive, but then when I try to use the flash drive the next day to save some more files it will tell me I don't have permission again.

How can I fix this so that I can just use a USB flash drive to save docs?

This is a brand new flash drive but I have the same problem with all flash drives.

Nmath avatar
ng flag
You've provided a narrative description of your problem translated into your own words without actually giving us any technical details. Edit your question and tell us exactly what steps you take to reproduce the problem and provide explicit details of how exactly the problem manifests. Include all error messages entirely.
Andy avatar
cn flag
I put a new usb flash drive in to my laptop. It will say I dont have permission to use it. I will have to format it. then after format it will allow me to save to the usb flash drive. but once I remove the flash drive, I cannot save anything to it because the permissions will change back to root permissions only and read only. that is all i know. .
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Again this is a narrative description without any specific details... What I mean by that: How exactly are you formatting the flash drive? What application are you using? What actions are you taking in the application, exactly. How do you know the permissions have changed? What errors are you getting, exactly? We are trying to figure out what went wrong so you need to be specific about exactly what is happening.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Please [edit] your post to add new information, properly formatted. Information added via comments is hard for you to format, hard for us to read and ignored by future readers. Please click [edit] and add that vital information to your question so all the facts we need are in the question. Please don't use Add Comment, since that's our uplink to you. All facts about your system should go in the Question with [edit]
C.S.Cameron avatar
cn flag
@Andy: Try formatting your flash drive as NTFS, not ext. NTFS does not allow the use of permissions.

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