
how to fix wine not being able to install vcrun2019 with this error: "not supported on this system"?

in flag

trying to run: winetricks vcrun2019

on wine(s):
"wine5.21staging-focal"(the recommended at "wine6.0.1stable-focal-1"

I always get the below error even if I try manually on the command line wine64 vc_redist.x64.exe

0024:err:process:exec_process L"C:\\vc_redist.x64.exe" not supported on this system

wine: Bad EXE format for Y:\vcrun2019\vc_redist.x64.exe #with wine 4.0.4

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. # wine 6.17

So this is a wine message, not a winetricks message.

ubuntu 20.04

Other 64bits things can run on it. And trying to install the 64 bits exe will fail!?

PS.: got versions from

in flag
$ 7z l vc_redist.x64.exe  |grep "CPU ="
CPU = x86

there is no fix, it is a 32 bits installer for a 64 bits thing..., and til now I am unable to run 32bits windows apps on wine on ubuntu20.04.

the contents can be extracted with 7z x ... on the 32bits installer, but now I need to know what to do with that concerning registry stuff... Btw, 7z x can also be used with .msi files!

I extracted another 64bits application from the weird 32bits installer, and the application is running fine!

And to extract vc_redist.x64.exe usable contents, you have to:

mkdir tmp
cabextract -d tmp vc_redist.x64.exe
cd tmp
cabextract *
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
You have to try `winecfg` and set newer version of Windows. Or dig into and ask there.
in flag
Wine 6.0 up will open winecfg correctly but wont open explorer (it complaints about missing IExplorerBrowser). I think ubuntu builds at wine repo are not being tested, they are just automatic? But Im still unable to install anything .exe that has 64bits applications because they come in a 32bits .exe file! that is just incredible (to not say worse). I still have 18.04, so I can test/install on it, and may be I can copy the 64bits application to 20.04 and it may work.

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