
Gateway between Ethernet and WiFi adapters

cn flag

I'm trying to connect between 3 Ubuntu 18.04 devices (1 Laptop + 2 NVIDIA Jetson Nano) where the 1st Nano acting as the gateway between the 2nd Nano and Laptop.

Currently the 1st Nano have wlan0 acting as a WiFi Hotspot (for the Laptop) and eth0 Ethernet (for the 2nd Nano) and I can connect between:

[x] 1st Nano <-> Laptop

[x] 1st Nano <-> 2nd Nano

Also I can ping:

[x] Laptop to Ethernet default gateway

[x] 2nd Nano to WiFi default gateway

[ ] but not Laptop (WiFi network) <-> 2nd Nano (Ethernet network)

How can I achieve this using NetworkManager or nmtui or any command?


After enable IPv4_forward for both WiFi & Ethernet interfaces in NetworkManager, I can now ping from 2nd Nano to the Laptop directly. Although, it's still unidirectional and I cannot ping from Laptop to 2nd Nano.

Nmath avatar
ng flag
What does this have to do with Ubuntu? This sounds like a networking question. Edit your question and tell us about the problem you are experiencing with Ubuntu. Otherwise, this question seems to be off-topic.
ru flag
this has everything to do with the rules and NAT on your first device permitting cross-network talking. But, what does this have to do with Ubuntu? This sounds like a pure networking/firewall question not an Ubuntu one
TN71 avatar
cn flag
I agree the question can be phrased better to find solution using Ubuntu Network Manager. Edited.

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