
Not booting when inserting HDD in another Dell Latitude E6320 laptop

tv flag

I have a SATA HDD, with Ubuntu 18.04 installed. My former laptop got broken, and I successfully inserted my HDD in a Lenovo laptop.

Now I just got a Dell Latitude E6320 laptop, but when I install my HDD inside, it just hangs on a black window, nothing is happening.

Any idea of what is going on ?

Nmath avatar
ng flag
There is no expectation that your system installation will work when you take the hard drive from one computer and put it in another. Sometimes it does, but it's not a certainty. Best practice is to reinstall the OS on new hardware.
oldfred avatar
cn flag
If very new system you may need 20.04 or even 21.04 & newer kernels to have full support for newest hardware. If UEFI, which all new systems are, then you need to reinstall grub. But you also need to change some UEFI settings. Be sure to boot Ubuntu live installer in UEFI mode and add this, using ppa per second option instructions:
acmoune avatar
tv flag
Thanks, I finally reinstalled 20.04.

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